JR East, "Hayabusa" website (Japanese) English translation from Google#rail

JR East, "Hayabusa" website (Japanese) http://www.jreast.co.jp/e5/campaign.html ↓JR East, "Hayabusa" website (Japanese) English translation from Google ----------------- MADE IN DREAM. Nippon changes at once, the world has changed. Super Express runs at a dream, time has accelerated. Made in Japan is to have the power to make dreams a reality. Its power still has not lost something. I think that just lost confidence. Nippon Rather, the country became a little adult. Or the environment or culture, can be increased.Having halted, it does not start. Once more, I'll walk upwards. Start running toward the distance. Nippon Soon, get a new speed and comfort. We also one of the dream into reality. -2011 March 05, E5 Series Shinkansen "Hayabusa" debut. -------------------- DREAM  IN  MADE is grammatically wrong seems to have dared to adopt Is not there even in cases Walkman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walkman ブログランキング・にほんブログ村へ
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